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New Years Blues

With the days, minutes and even seconds ticking ever on, the anniversary of Georges death beckoned like the sands of times within an hour glass. It has been almost two long years of a living hell where there been moments I wished the shroud of darkness would engulf me, allowing me to lay down to sleep next to my baby boy, only knowing that my living family needed me keeps me from the endless darkness.

Each day my sole feels the pains of hurt that can never be spoken, my tears feel the burning of endless suffering and my happiness has been touch by darkness and will always share the moment with sorrow, nothing is as it once was with my life no longer a happy place but instead a melancholic existence where at times I allow the sadness to get the better of me.

So, with this joyful time of Christmas, there we celebrate the birth of Christ, also comes the sadness I feel from the loss of my baby George and the constant knowing when I wake up in the morning that nothing will return to normal.

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